Thursday, March 25, 2010

Flossin’ in Austin at SXSW

I got my cherry popped this year. As a first time SXSW’er (that’s South by Southwest-er to those who don’t know the festival) I was a newbie, a beginner, a first-timer, a virgin.

So as all virgins do, I got some advice, some tips, come know-how, from the know-it alls, the storied festival-goers. Here’s what I was told:

1. Comfortable shoes. Essential for the day parties which turn into endless night parties.
2. Don’t drink during the day, you won’t make it through the night.
3. Hot tub in your hotel. Do it for your feet.
4. Your head might explode with the amount of music you will experience.
5. Before you get there take the time to schedule and RSVP to parties otherwise you may stand in lines. In other words, learn the system.
6. Warn people you will be at SXSW. They may understand what you’re in for.
7. You will eat a lot of BBQ, stock up on greens before you go.
8. Bring cards, because everyone you need to meet will be there.

And I’m sure there were more pieces of advice, but these are the ones I followed. But what’s more interesting, is what they didn’t tell me.

They didn’t tell me that because of the insane combination of Mexican food (Austin is an easy drive to the Mexican border) and the amount of BBQ marinated Brisket and assorted meats on offer for free everywhere, your stomachs will be in constant churn. Best to bring tums and get ready to run to the loo frequently for your entire stay.

Also, bring toothpicks and floss! I spent a lot of time trying to, rather unsuccessfully, pick at my teeth before meetings, after meetings and during meetings. Also during concerts, after concerts and until I finally made it sinkside to find my floss and a mirror. It’s the ultimate networking fail!

So here’s a suggestion I offer up for free to potential corporate sponsors for next year... perhaps someone should consider – in the middle of this crazy marketing mecca/music festival- to hand out some branded floss or toothpicks? They would come in handy and people would talk about them.

I’ll follow up soon in a post about the music I saw - SO MUCH GOOD MUSIC – but to give you a taste, here’s a video of the Damien Marley and Nas set I attended. I didn't take the video, but I'm posting this shaky one as the person must have been standing nearby at the show. Just one regular Wednesday night at SXSW....

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